Mini Mystery Match-Up Digital File
$4.99 USD
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A digital companion for the MINI match-up game.
Includes 71 pages:
- ⭐ Language targets & ideas for use
- ⭐ Vocabulary targets (core words, verbs, prepositions, descriptors)
- ⭐ Parent cheat sheet with ideas for use & strategies
- ⭐ Sentence frames for use during play
- ⭐ Language Companion: WHO questions (community helpers), WHERE questions (familiar settings), FUNCTION questions (common objects), DESCRIBING (farm animals, ocean animals, pets, food)
- ⭐ Articulation companion - includes target words for: initial /k, g, f, l, s, r/ and mixed /sh, ch, j, th, r-blends, s-blends, l-blends/
- ⭐ ALL targets include visual picture cards, storage pages, black & white versions, & accompanying questions.
*digital file only - toy not included

Mini Mystery Match-Up Digital File
$4.99 USD